The 75 Medium Challenge: Rules and FREE Downloadable Checklist Tracker!

Today I am starting the 75 Medium challenge for wellness and to restart after the holidays! If you have ever heard of the 75 Hard challenge on TikTok or Instagram, it is that idea, with my own rules altering it to be more realistic for myself 🙂 I have a toddler whom I stay at home with, so getting to the gym every day is a challenge. PLUS, it is December, so getting outside for a workout is challenging when it is frigid. Working out twice a day for the 75 Hard simply isn’t realistic for me, but I did still want to challenge myself to feel healthier and stronger. I have also seen videos for a 75 Soft Challenge, but I wanted a bit more of a challenge than what it called for. Making up these rules for 75 Medium felt like the happy in-between!

UPDATE: Here is my official before and after!:

As I go through the next 75 days, I wanted to share how things go, meal ideas, progress, etc. so be sure to follow along!

I also want to note that these are arbitrary rules for 75 days that I’m holding myself to! If you want to embark on this challenge or any fitness or wellness endeavor, make sure you talk to your healthcare professional first!

My 75 Medium Rules

  • Exercise 6 days a week with 1 day of active recovery
    • 3 of the workouts every week are weight training/strength training
    • The other 3 workouts every week are 45 minutes long and can be anything that gets me to break a sweat such as Pilates, brisk walk outside, cycling, Yoga, jogging, etc.
    • Active recovery day can be anything from cleaning the house a good part of the day, taking a long walk at the park, etc. Just as long as I’m not on my butt all day!
  • Drink 120 oz of water every day (for me this equates to filling up my 40 oz tumbler 3x/day haha)
  • No strict diet per say– prioritize protein, fruits, and vegetables
  • Balance carbs with a protein (and potentially fat)
    • This was something I learned when I was pregnant with Theo and got diagnosed with gestational diabetes. When you pair something that has more carbs with something higher in protein, it lessens the blood sugar spike that your body responds with. By lessening that blood sugar spike, it help with weight maintaining or weight loss (depending on your goal). For example: pairing an apple (although fruit, has carbs from natural fruit sugars) with peanut butter (good source of fat and protein) helps to lessen the blood sugar spike your body would have than if you had simply had an apple alone!
  • Aim for 0 alcohol but 1 drink socially per week is OK
  • Read to sleep instead of scrolling
  • Aiming for 7-8 hours of sleep per night (TBD with a teething toddler haha)
  • Mindfulness journal at night before bed
  • 10 pages of non-fiction every day

75 Hard Rules

I wanted to share a little bit about 75 Hard so that you can see where I am coming from, in case you are unfamiliar!

Here is a screenshot of a TikTok I saw with the rules for 75 Hard that seem to be the general consensus:

These are the rules for 75 Hard to follow every day:

  • 2, 45 minute workouts (one being outside)
  • Follow a diet, no cheat meals, no alcohol
  • Drink a gallon of water
  • Read 10 Pages of a non-fiction book
  • take a progress photo

75 Soft Rules

Like I said, 75 Soft is a trend I have seen come up after the 75 hard started trending for “people who don’t have the time for 2 45 minute workouts” (relatable). I wanted a bit more of a challenge, hence adding and altering my own rules!

@stephengfitness Reply to @cowboycar0l 75 SOFTERS HERE WE GO #75soft #fitness #workout #75hard #fyp ♬ original sound – Stephen Gallagher

These are the general consensus that I have seen of rules for 75 Soft to follow every day:

  • 1, 45 minute workout (1 day a week of active recovery)
  • “Eat well”, only drink on social occasions
  • 3 Liters of water a day (1 gallon equals 3.79 Liters)
  • Read 10 pages of any book

75 Medium Checklist

Here is a checklist I made with my rules that I made for myself if you want to embark as well! All you need to do is right click on the image to save it to your computer, tablet, or phone, and then you can print it!

If you decide to follow along and do the challenge yourself, I would LOVE to hear about it! Drop me a DM on Instagram or leave a comment below!

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This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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The author of this site encourages you to consult a doctor before making any health changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition. No information on this site should be relied upon to determine diet, make a medical diagnosis, or determine treatment for a medical condition. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Opinions on this site are my own and do not reflect those of my employer.

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Sara Ann

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