
21 Day {Added} Sugar Fast – Week 1

This is a food challenge that I foolishly believed would go much smoother than it actually did (in the beginning…

5 years ago

The Supplements I Take / Cheaper Alternatives to Plexus Triplex

Back Story: In late September, I was having a conversation with my best friend about Plexus. It seemed like we…

6 years ago

Habit Nutrition: An Honest, Unbiased Opinion

Back in March, I got my results from Habit-- a company that analyzes your blood and DNA to create a…

6 years ago

Favorite Things: Vol. V

What. A. Week. Kind of more like two weeks, but ya know. Been taking classes and studying like mad to…

6 years ago

How to Beat the Odds with Your Fitness Resolutions

'Tis the season. The holidays have come and gone and leave you feeling a bit more lethargic and heavier than…

6 years ago

2018 Visions

I recognize that we are half-way through January now (??), but I figured I would share my personal visions and…

6 years ago

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