Categories: LifeQ & A

Q&A: Vol. I

Today I figured I would do a bit of a different post than normal and answer a few common questions I get in either emails, DMs on Instagram, comments, etc. I realized that I honestly don’t share too many details about my life besides bits and pieces you might get from my travel posts or my Favorite Things posts. Not intentionally of course, I just don’t want to share things unless y’all care haha

So let’s get started!

How long have you been a nurse for?

I have been a nurse for almost exactly 2 years. I’ve been working in an ICU since I graduated college but I will actually be transferring to a new job in a few weeks at a maternity center. I cannot wait!

How long have you been married for?

Garrett and I got married in April of 2017. So almost 2 years! April 15th, 2017 was the best day ever <3

What is your favorite place you have traveled to?

That’s a tough one! I went to Spain in high school and its one of the top places that I am dying to go back to. The architecture, culture, and history are all beautiful.

In reference to my post on the supplements I take:

Do you have any other recommendations for probiotics?

If you don’t live near a Whole Foods and therefore cannot access the 365 probiotic I take, there are so many other good options out there! When I was in high school, I had horrible stomach issues which resolved after I took the Culturelle probiotic after a couple months, so I would recommend that one. You can get it on Amazon, but I think it is available at places like Walmart, CVS, and Target too.

What is your favorite restaurant in Charlotte?

Hard, but I really love Seoul Food & Meat Co.! You can read about all my Charlotte recommendations in my Native’s Guide to Charlotte.

Where is your favorite place to shop?

That’s a hard one too! I really love Madewell and J. Crew though.


What questions do you have for me? Share in the email me or DM me on Instagram!

Sara Ann

Published by
Sara Ann

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