Categories: Favorite Things

Friday Favorites: Volume XXXVI

Happy Friday! This volume of Friday Favorites is so all over the place– but I guess that’s the purpose of it right? 🙂 Let’s jump right in to the things I have been loving recently:

Smoothie Popsicles for Theo

Theo has been teething quite a bit and he must have one that has been bothering him a bit more than normal. His appetite hasn’t been as great, but one thing that we’ve found that helps with the teething AND making sure he’s getting some food down is making some smoothie popsicles for him! Garrett normally makes smoothies for himself and I a few times a week, so when he makes them now, he’s just started setting some aside for Theo. We make a few popsicles at a time so that we have some on hand as a snack. We normally do frozen blueberries, kale, banana, unsweetened almond milk, and peanut butter. Garrett also adds collagen and protein powder to ours, but he adds that in after he’s set some aside for Theo 🙂
We just have been using popsicle molds from the dollar store, but I really like the idea of these, because they would be SO much easier for Theo to hold!

Buy Nothing Groups on Facebook

This past month, Garrett and I have been trying to do a low-spend month and only buy things that we really need. So in the spirit of trying not to buy things, there have been a couple of things that have come up this month that I have thought “I don’t NEED this per say– but it would really be helpful to have or having this on hand may prevent a future need”. For example: I am going to the Taylor Swift concert in less than a week (AH!) and I realized that I probably need to bring a breast pump with me! Because of the arena limitations on bag size (and just convenience), I didn’t want to bring my full pump with me, and thought having a manual pump might be good to bring with me just in case! So I ended up going to my local buy nothing group! Within 15 minutes, someone had let me know that they have a completely brand new unused manual pump for me to have that they got in the hospital. I didn’t have to pay for it, just went to drive and pick it up, and it saved me ~$30!

I’ve also been trying to clear out some things in our house and found this SUPER old iPad that is like 10 years old! It still works fine (although cannot download any new apps), so I posted it on the Buy Nothing group and a woman picked it up for her toddler to use to listen to music on YouTube and draw on the notes app! It felt so nice to clear out stuff I haven’t touched in years and know that someone else is genuinely appreciating and enjoying it!

Cauliflower Rice

OK, OK, I know I’m very late to the party on this one, and I really actually like cauliflower pizza and roasted cauliflower, but I had never really tried cauliflower rice! They have it at Aldi now in the freezer section which makes it super easy for dinner. I have found that I enjoy it best by steaming it in the bag in the microwave to get out some of the moisture, and then cooking it in a pan with some oil to get a little bit of char on it! Such a good side and great if you’re being carb-conscious!

Barbie Movie

Garrett and I saw the new Barbie movie last Friday and I really enjoyed it! I think I would overall give it a 8.5/10, but Ryan Gosling was SO funny and Margo Robbie was great as Barbie. I think it had a super empowering message for girls although there were a couple of parts that I think could have been done a little bit better. I won’t spoil the movie and the message, but overall, its a great movie and it’s really fun! Recommend!

Friendship bracelets for Eras Tour

Like I mentioned earlier, I’m going to the Taylor Swift Eras Tour in less than a week (YAY!). One of the things that people have been doing is making friendship bracelets and trading them at Taylor’s concert. I am going with my nieces, so when they were visiting in Charlotte a couple weeks ago, we made a bunch of bracelets together! It was so much fun coming up with silly things that relate to Taylor’s lyrics or songs and making them together. We cannot wait for August 3rd!

Our Home Garden

I have just been so appreciative of the space to have our garden this year. I have been enjoying growing vegetables since we moved into our house, but I don’t think I really appreciated it so much until I had Theo! Letting him be able to explore and see things like the butterflies and the bees on our marigolds has been so fun! I know as he gets older, it will be great to when he can help me more in the garden and we can explain where our food comes from. I just think it will be a great activity for us to do together as he gets older 🙂

Book Update

Just Finished: Icebreaker by Hannah Grace

This one was SO cute! Just a silly rom-com about a college figure skater and hockey player. Lot of romance and definitely more R-rated, but I LOVED it! Great if you need something light for the summer.

Currently Reading: Happy Place by Emily Henry

I have really loved Emily Henry’s other books. I FLEW through Beach Read and the People We Meet on Vacation. SHe writes really great rom-com books. This is her newest release, it just came out a few months ago. I think I might make it my August book review once I finish it, so stay tuned!

Listening to: The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

My mom read this book FOREVER ago and loved it. I had never thought to read it until recently, but have decided to listen to it via audiobook. I tend to do better with non-fiction as audio-books, sometimes I struggle getting through non-fiction by actually reading it. If you are like me and want to give Audible (Amazon’s audio-book platform) a try, you can get 3 months for FREE here!

Disclaimer: if you purchase anything through my affiliate links, I may receive a small commission (this will not affect the price of your item 🙂 )

Sara Ann

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