Favorite Things: Vol. XV

6 years ago

Howdy friends! We have made it to yet another Friday, and I managed to pull myself together to write a…

The Sweetest Pumpkin Patch in Charlotte (& Obviously The Outfit I Wore)

6 years ago

Y'all knew a post with a photo shoot in a pumpkin patch would be coming sooner or later ;) Hall's…

The Supplements I Take / Cheaper Alternatives to Plexus Triplex

6 years ago

Back Story: In late September, I was having a conversation with my best friend about Plexus. It seemed like we…

Favorite Things: Vol. XIV

6 years ago

Happy Friday! Last week, I had to do a big presentation at work to get myself a "promotion". Now that…

Side Table Upcycle / Guest Room Updates

6 years ago

Decorating our guest room has been a work in progress for roughly a year now. It still needs a lot…

The Best Macaroni and Cheese

6 years ago

Fall is making me break out all of the cozy, comfort food recipes ♥ I love me some casseroles, but…

Favorite Things: Vol. XIII – Fall Edition

6 years ago

In honor of the first week of fall, I decided to do a special edition of Favorite Things! Featuring my…

Sweater Weather… Kinda

6 years ago

Now that we have made it to September, I'm ready for fall y'all 😍 With Hurricane Flo last week, things…

Favorite Things: Vol. XII

6 years ago

Why hello there! Trying to prove to myself this week that I still know how to blog :) Anyone starting…

Gluten-Free Buckwheat Granola

6 years ago

I absolutely love granola on my smoothie bowls and Greek yogurt. But if you've ever purchased store-bought granola, you know…

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