I am currently making way way through my second round of the 75 medium challenge (a fitness challenge somewhere between 75 hard and 75 easy). For me now, week 7 of 75 medium is complete, so it’s time for a recap of what I ate, what workouts I completed, and how things are going. I share all this so that if you are in the same boat, you may get some meal inspiration and some solidarity whether you are participating in 75 easy, 75 medium, or 75 hard (or just trying to start making healthier choices without putting a label on it!).
If you want to read more about my new rules and want your own free printable tracker, you can check it out here:
Reading this week for 75 medium:
Mostly What God Does by Savannah Guthrie
Day 43
Breakfast: Breakfast: breakfast burrito with chicken sausage, egg, beans, and avocado + coffee with collagen
Lunch: leftover meatballs and Ratio bar (my mom got me a pack of these for a birthday gift countdown she is doing for me and they are pretty tasty and have 12 grams of protein with good ingredients!)
Dinner: grass-fed burger with cheese, avocado, tomatoes, and onions on homemade sourdough bun with roasted sweet potatoes
Exercise: gym for strength training
Day 44
Breakfast: breakfast sandwich with scrambled egg (mixed with cottage cheese), tomato, bacon, avocado on homemade sourdough bun
Lunch: cheese stick and apple + peanut butter

Dinner: grass-fed ground beef chili (P.S. swapping your regular ground beef to grass-fed is a simple swap to get additional nutrients!)

Exercise: stationary bike for 20 minutes and then 15 minutes of an ab circuit from LikeAGirlFitness.
Day 45
Breakfast: breakfast burrito with chicken sausage, egg, beans, and avocado + coffee with collagen
Lunch: Cheese stick and ratio bar

Dinner: grass-fed ground beef and black bean tacos
Exercise: active recovery day
Day 46
Breakfast: breakfast burrito with chicken sausage, egg, beans, and avocado + coffee with collagen
Lunch: harvest snaps and apple
Dinner: Went out for Korean food
Exercise: double recovery day 🙁
Day 47
Breakfast: breakfast burrito with chicken sausage, egg, beans, and avocado + coffee with collagen
Lunch: almond butter smoothie (banana, chia seeds, almond butter, almond milk, vanilla collagen) and pumpkin muffin
Dinner: ground turkey meat sauce and whole wheat spaghetti

Exercise: gym for strength training– focused on chest, shoulders, and biceps and then did 15 minutes on stair climber
Day 48
Breakfast: protein bagel with egg, turkey bacon and avocado
Lunch: leftover spaghetti
Dinner: out for pizza with friends (split a pizza with my husband and had 1 drink for the week!)
Exercise: gym and focused on abdominal exercises (weighted reverse crunches, weighted torso rotation machine, and an ab circuit from LikeAGirlFitness)
Day 49
Breakfast: breakfast burrito with chicken sausage, egg, beans, and avocado + coffee with collagen
Lunch: apple and cheese stick
Dinner: turkey meatballs, roasted cauliflower, and whole wheat spaghetti with pesto

Exercise: gym for leg day– did hack squats, weighted glute bridges, weighted calf raises, and 10 minutes on stair climber
75 Medium Week 7 Recap
Truthfully this was a tough week. I wasn’t feeling my best so I ended up taking 2 rest days. I think I more than made up for it at the gym in the following days, but my body really needed the rest.
I’ve been a little grain/carb heavy (documenting everything that I eat helps to notice this!) and I need to start integrating a little bit more fruit into my diet. It’s truthfully so HARD this time of year when produce is not at it’s peak though!
I am starting to notice that I am increasing the amount of weight that I am lifting and that is a good feeling! At the end of the day, for me, this challenge was to make me feel better and stronger– not losing weight, so it feels good to make some progress there!

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