Categories: Life

25 Things I’ve Learned in 25 Years

Today I turn 25! Being 24 was eventful: I bought a house, graduated from grad school, got a new job (then a new better job lol), and a ton of other things.

As this is posting, I am going to be at Disney World for the first time, and I could NOT be more excited! I have never been, so Garrett and I planned a very last minute fun birthday vacay there. I’m so excited to share details of the trip with y’all!

Anyway, last year on my 24th birthday, I shared 24 things I learned in 24 years, so I thought I might carry on the tradition!

  1. Work is work– it doesn’t always have to be something that you enjoy 100% of the time.
  2. But you also spend at least 30% of your day at work probably, so if work makes you chronically unhappy, you don’t have to settle.
  3. Don’t expect to succeed at something if you don’t have a passion for it.
  4. Never compromise who you are to impress someone else.
  5. Exercise can make a world of difference with your mood.
  6. If you’re hungry… then you should eat. Listen to your body and don’t starve yourself.

7. Therapy is sometimes taboo to talk about, but OMG if you are struggling with something, it is really a game changer.

8. Self-care is more than just taking a bubble bath and drinking a glass of wine; it is exercise, eating well, and laughing with people you care about.

9. Life is too short to keep putting off the things you want to do.

10. Would the 10 year old version of yourself be proud of the person that you are? If not, how can you change that?

11. There’s always time to reinvent yourself.

12. NO ONE can do it all, so don’t beat yourself up when you can’t either.

13. You don’t need expensive products to have a great skincare routine, but having a skincare routine is so important.

14. Don’t try and force yourself into a mold for anything.

15. Trust your gut.

16. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh and you can be your genuine self with.

17. Deleting social media apps from your phone for a little bit is always a good idea (doesn’t have to be permanent!)

18. If you are given an opportunity to do something you’ve always wanted to do, don’t make another excuse to put it off any longer.

19. When treated poorly, return the favor with insane kindness. People find it very confusing.

20. But at the same time don’t allow yourself to be a doormat.

21. Have you ever been complimented by a stranger? It’s such a breath of fresh air. Try to be the one handing out those random compliments more often.

22. Take more pictures. You’ll forget so many little moments if you don’t.

23. Books are so refreshing. Read more of them and watch less Netflix.

24. Insecurities speak much louder than confidence does.

25. If things are bad right now, they are going to get better. Hang in there.

Sara Ann

Published by
Sara Ann

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