Categories: Life

2018 Visions

I recognize that we are half-way through January now (??), but I figured I would share my personal visions and goals for this new year! I also took an idea from one of my fave fashion blogs, Coral and Charm, and made a digital vision board on Pinterest with all my resolutions.

2017 was such a great year for me personally, G and I got married and April and moved into our first apartment, we adopted our dog Lola, we went on a number of trips (Charleston, Outer Banks, St. Lucia, Asheville, just to name a few), we paid off all of our debt (*breathes sigh of huge relief*), I got accepted into grad school, and G got a promotion. Honestly, we were SO blessed this year. But we have big plans for 2018. We already have a few trip planned, I’m planning on starting grad school in May, we are *hoping* to move into a new rental (with a backyard for the dog!!), just to name a few things.

My first goal for 2018 is to continue with regular yoga and workouts. I get it. This time of year is hard. You’re carrying the extra weight from the holidays, plus the gym is packed with 5x the amount of people. I’ve been doing a workout guide on and off for a few years now called BBG.  I just recently started it back up in anticipation for the birthday trip G has planned for me in March. You might have heard of Kayla Itsines or BBG on Instagram, and I’m here to tell you that they are worth looking into. I take breaks from it at times because I get bored, but every time I go through the 12 week program, I feel like I look good and I feel amazing. I can mostly modify everything to be done in my apartment, so lately I’ve been waking up crazy early (think 4:45 am) before work to knock out the 28 min workout.

Second goal: kind of (??) keep to a budget. Before G and I got married, we went to a class called Financial Peace University. Garrett’s dad bought us the books and signed us up for it as a wedding present, and honestly, it’s one of the best, most practical gifts we received. It was like a 8 or 9 week class and unfortunately we couldn’t make EVERY class, so we literally didn’t graduate (HAHA) *cue singing of beauty school drop-out*. Anyway, the class has all these video seminars by Dave Ramsey about stuff like paying off debt, insurance, making a budget, making an emergency fund, etc. So while we were in the class, G and I made a budget together for once we got married and started living together. Have we stuck to it? Not ONCE. We quickly learned that we aren’t budget people. But we still managed to pay off all of Garrett’s student loans before we hit 6 months of marriage (maybe a post for another time). I do think however, that we should start making myself stick to a *rough* budget. Like maybe start going out to eat once a week rather than whenever we want. Or saying hey, I’ve already spent “x” on clothes this month, which is at my limit, so maybe I’ll hold off on buying this for now.

Vision 3: drink some dang water

I’m just so bad about this. I have no time to drink water or go to the bathroom at work. It’s bad. Working on it.

Fourth Vision: keep our place relatively clean. Okay raise your hand if you’re like me; you know someone is coming over so you clean as fast as you can. Then, when they come in, you’re like “omg sorry it’s such a mess” when you know good and well that it’s the first time you’ve seen your floor in like a month. Just me? K.

Fifth, be a better texter and call my long-distance friends more often. I used to never be bad about this, but since I started working full time, I have been horrible about responding to texts and keeping in contact with people. I plan on calling my friends who are in other states or farther away more often to keep up with each other better.

To see my other visions for the new year, check out my Pinterest board and follow me!

Also, drop a comment and share your top resolutions for the new year!!


Sara Ann

Published by
Sara Ann

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